24. Stratosphere plots

24.1. Description

The stratosphere_plots.py script contains the plotting portion for two Stratosphere use cases, one which creates a ME plot in latitude and pressure and another which creates ME and RMSE plots for lead time and pressure Two METplus use cases, illustrate how to use this plot. One runs zonal mean biases and another creates bias and RMSE for polar cap temperature and polar vortex U

These files are used by the image comparison test:

  • GFS_ERA_ME_2018_02_zonal_mean_T.png: Run “plot_zonal_bias” in stratosphere_plots.py.py to create this plot.

  • GFS_ERA_ME_2018_02_zonal_mean_U.png: Run “plot_zonal_bias” in stratosphere_plots.py to create this plot.

  • ME_2018_02_polar_cap_T.png: Run “plot_polar_bias” in stratosphere_plots.py to create this plot.

  • ME_2018_02_polar_vortex_U.png: Rn “plot_polar_bias” in stratosphere_plots.py to create this plot.

  • RMSE_2018_02_polar_cap_T.png: Run “plot_polar_rmse” in stratosphere_plots.py to create this plot.

  • RMSE_2018_02_polar_vortex_U.png: Run “plot_polar_rmse” in stratosphere_plots.py to create this plot.

24.2. Required Packages

  • Python

  • Matplotlib

  • metcalcpy (see Section 1.1.2)

  • metdataio

  • numpy

  • pandas

  • cmocean

  • pyyaml

24.3. How to Use

Import stratosphere_plots into the script:

from stratosphere_plots import plot_zonal_bias,plot_polar_bias,plot_polar_rmse

24.3.1. For plot_zonal_bias

In the code, generate the following as numpy arrays (except outfile, ptitle, and plevels).

lats: A numpy array of the latitude values under consideration.

levels: A numpy array of the pressure level values under consideration.

bias: A numpy array containing the bias.

obar: A numpy array of the size wrnum containing the frequency of occurrence of each cluster.

outfile: The full path and filename of the output plot file, a .png version will be written.

ptitle: A string containing the title of the plot.

plevels: A list containing integers of the contour levels used in plotting the obs climatology.

24.3.2. For plot_polar_bias

In the code, generate the following as numpy arrays (except wrnum, output_plotname, and plevels).

leads: A numpy array containing the forecast lead times.

levels: A numpy array of the pressure level values under consideration.

pdata: A numpy array containing the bias.

outfile: The full path and filename of the output plot file, a .png version will be written.

ptitle: A string containing the title of the plot.

plevs: A list containing floats of the contour levels used in plotting

24.3.3. For plot_polar_rmse

In the code, generate the following as numpy arrays (except wrnum, output_plotname, and plevels).

leads: A numpy array containing the forecast lead times.

levels: A numpy array of the pressure level values under consideration.

pdata: A numpy array containing the bias.

outfile: The full path and filename of the output plot file, a .png version will be written.

ptitle: A string containing the title of the plot.

plevs: A list containing floats of the contour levels used in plotting

Invoke the plotting functions:




The output will be .png version of all requested plots and will be located based on what was specified (path and name) in the output_plotname.